Musicians Start Here

In 3 Simple Steps:

Step 1: Registration

Students will be able to register online through our online form. Fill in your personal details, availability, what kind of class you'd like to attend, and the instrument that you play. Our team will process your results and match you with an appropriate tutor and schedule, and we'll keep in touch to communicate the details!

Step 2 : Confirmation

Now that your information has been processed by our database, you are given access to a COMPLIMENTARY trial lesson to enjoy the mentoring experience first hand. You can always cancel at anytime with no cancellation fee if you are not satisfied with the service. After your first session, you will be billed monthly through secure payment (cash or check) with our mentors.

Step 3 : Attendance

Our classes are generally held at Quimby Oak Middle School. The student(s) can choose the environment they wish to have their lesson in, whether it be a classroom or even outside. We hold two 45-minute sessions between 2:30 PM - 4:05 PM on Mondays and Fridays at the Quimby Oak band room. Private clients can negotiate times and location separately with tutors.